ノルウェー通信#1 「ノルウェーフレンドシップヨットレース」 Norwegian newsletter#1 NFYR

The Enoshima Yacht Club hosts a Norway Friendship Yacht Race every spring. It is popular with people inside and outside the club as an opportunity to deepen goodwill with Norway and as an annual race in Sagami Bay. At the time of the Tokyo Olympics 2020, the Norwegian Friendship Yacht Race was not held for two years in 2020 and 2021, but in the spring of 2022, we hope to resume Norway in a way that makes us feel closer to us. The Norwegian newsletter will share topics about Norway.
The country name Norway means “road to the north”, and as the name suggests, Norway is located far north of the world map and the northern half of the mainland is in the Arctic Circle. The average temperature in the capital Oslo is 6 ° C. The official name is the Kingdom Norway. About 5.4 million people live in almost the same area as Japan.

はじまりは1964年10月12日~21日、第18回オリンピック東京大会ヨット競技、5.5メートルクラスにノルウェー王国のハーラル皇太子殿下(当時27歳) が選手として出場され、その際、日本の皇太子殿下と妃殿下(現上皇陛下と上皇后陛下)がレースを観戦、応援され、 若き皇太子同士としてご友情をはぐくまれたことにあります。それから37年後の2001年春、ハーラル殿下はノルウェー王国の国王としてソニヤ王妃とご一緒に国賓として再来日、3月28日には現上皇陛下と上皇后陛下のご案内で思い出深い江の島ヨットハーバーを散策されました。これを機に、江の島ヨットクラブ主催の日本・ノルウェー友好親善記念レース、「ノルウェーフレン ドシップヨットレース」が開催されるようになりました。
The beginning was October 12-21, 1964, at the 18th Olympic Tokyo Tournament Yacht Competition, Crown Prince Harald of the Kingdom Norway (27 years old at that time) participated as a player in the 5.5 meter class, at which time the Crown Prince of Japan His Royal Highness and His Royal Highness (currently Her Majesty the Emperor and Her Majesty the Empress) watched the race and were cheered on, and the friendship between the young crown princes was fostered. Thirty-seven years later, in the spring of 2001, Her Majesty Harald returned to Japan as a state guest with Queen Sonja as King of the Kingdom Norway, and on March 28, strolled through the memorable Enoshima Yacht Harbor under the guidance of them. Taking this opportunity, the Norway Friendship Yacht Race by the Enoshima Yacht Club, is now being held.
King Harald participated in the Olympic Games as a player at the 1964 Tokyo Games, the 1968 Mexico Games, and the 1972 Munich Games.

On the way back from Enoshima to Tokyo, They enjoyed a cruise of about an hour and a half from Yokosuka to Tokyo on a Japan Coast Guard patrol boat. It was reported that this was a sign of respect and gratitude for the fact that when His Majesty the Emperor and his wife visited Norway in 1985, the King and Mrs. Harald were guided to the fjord sightseeing on a one-night voyage. I think this is an episode unique to King Harald, who has a deep connection with the sea.