2021年7月31日朝日新聞朝刊神奈川版 ゆるり湘南にノルウェーと江の島ヨットクラブの友好物語掲載
2021年7月31日朝日新聞朝刊神奈川版 ゆるり湘南にノルウェーと江の島ヨットクラブの友好物語が掲載されました。1964年東京オリンピックに出場されたノルウェーハラルド5世(当時皇太子)が自艇を整備されている貴重な写真とともに、ノルウェーと江の島ヨットクラブの友好の馴れ初めが書かれています。
July 31, 2021, The story of friendship between Norway and the Enoshima yacht club was published in the Asahi Shimbun Kanagawa edition. Norwegian Harald V (then the Crown Prince), who participated in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, is beginning to get used to the friendship between Norway and the Enoshima Yacht Club, along with a valuable photo of his boat being maintained.
We are preparing for the Norwegian Friendship Yacht Race, which we couldn’t do last year and this year, and hopefully next spring will be held in a new way. I would be grateful if all the athletes who participated in the Olympics could come to Enoshima as well.